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[2024.12.02] Paper published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Congratulations on publishing a paper!! The following article has been published in International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

Jongsuk Lee, Sunghan Kim*, “Effect of operation conditions on the structural and fatigue behaviors of hydrogen storage vessel in refueling station”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2025, 97, 469-482

[2024.09.01] Receive a NRF research grant

NAML receives a five-years (2024.09-2029.07) research grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [중견연구]. Congratulation!!! [사업명: 복합기능 바이오 나노소재기반 계층적으로 구조화된 고내구 스마트 웨어러블 센서 개발 및 생체 신호 모니터링 응용].

[2024.07.30] Paper published in Applied Surface Science

Congratulations on publishing a paper!! The following article has been published in Applied Surface Science

Hyeonho Cho, ChaBum Lee, Sangmin Lee, Sunghan Kim*, “Effect of applied electrical potential and humidity on friction of Graphene-Based thin films”, Applied Surface Science, 2024, 672, 160802

[2024.07.17] Receive a MOTIE research grant

NAML receives a four-years (2024-2027)  research grant from Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE). Congratulation!!! [사업명: 산업기술혁신사업, 과제명: 액화수소용 압력안전밸브 및 차단밸브 개발].

[2024.05.01] Paper published in Journal of Membrane Science

Congratulations on publishing a paper!! The following article has been published in Journal of Membrane Science.

Young-Su Ko, Hyeonho Cho, Jeonghoon Han, Youngsuk Nam*, Sunghan Kim*, Choongyeop Lee* “Graphene oxide-based nanofluidic system for power generation from salinity difference”, Journal of Membrane Science 2024, 701, 122722

About NAML

About NAML

NAML focuses on the design and manufacture of various advanced functional nanomaterials and the development of their multifunctional properties. We have a broad research interest on creating new skills and techniques in order to f, abricate and characterize advanced functional nanomaterials which possess strong mechanical properties, favorable surface/interface properties, and multi-functional properties for various engineering applications .


Principal Investigator

Sunghan Kim, Ph.D

Associate Professor

School of Mechanical Engineering

Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea

phone: 02-820-5265


Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, 2015

 Texas A&M University [TAMU] (College Station, TX, USA)  

M.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2006

 Pohang University of Science and Technology [Postech]   (Pohang, Korea)

B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 2004

 Hanyang University (Seoul, Korea)


Chung-Ang University  (Seoul, Korea),  Sep. 2022-Present
 Professor in School of Mechanical Engineering

Chung-Ang University  (Seoul, Korea),  Sep. 2017-Aug.2022 
Assistant Professor in School of Mechanical Engineering


Georgia Institute of Technology [Georgia Tech](Atlanta, GA, USA),  Aug.2015-Aug. 2017
Postdoctoral Fellow in School of Materials Science and Engineering


Texas A&M University (College Station, TX, USA),  Jun. 2015-Aug. 2015

 Visiting Assistant Professor in Department of Mechanical Engineering

Intel Corporation (Chandler, AZ, USA), Jun. 2014-Sep. 2014

 Graduate Intern in ATTD Quality and Reliability Group

Samsung Electronics, Suwon R&D Center (Suwon, Korea),  Feb.2006-Jun. 2011

 Senior Research Engineer, IT Solution Business


Contact Information

We are currently looking for motivated undergraduate and graduate students to join us.

If you are interested in the position, please send your CV to

Nanomechanics and Advanced Materials Lab.:

B.D. 207, R. 434

School of Mechanical Engineering

Chung-Ang University

84 Heuksuk-Ro, Dongjak-gu

Seoul, South Korea, 156-765

Tel: 82-2-820-5265


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