[2018.12.17] Joint research meeting
We have joint research meeting with Prof. Choongyeon Cho (Wonkwang University) and Prof. Juwon Jeon (Kookmin University).
[2018.12.04] Welcome new undergraduate intern!!!
Eunji Shin has participated in NAML as undergraduate interns. Welcome!!!
[2018.09.06] Welcome new undergraduate intern!!!
Miae Lee has participated in NAML as an undergraduate intern. Welcome!!!
[2018.08.01] Welcome new group member!!!
Jongsuk Lee officially joined NAML as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!!!
[2018.06.20] Welcome new undergraduate interns!!!
Three undergraduate students (Jongsuk Lee, Minyoung Kim, Hyung Kyu Oh) have participated in NAML as undergraduate interns. Welcome!!!
[2018.04.13] Invited talk at 2018 KSME-Materials and Fracture Division’s Spring Conference
Prof. Sunghan Kim gave an invited talk at 2018 KSME-Materials and Fracture Division’s Spring Conference. The title was ‘Mechanically Robust Functional Bio-Nanomaterials’. Many thanks for the kind invitation and constructive discussions.
[2018.03.02] Welcome new group member!!!
Hyeonho Cho officially joined NAML as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!!!
[2018.02.23] Receive a NRF research grant
NAML receives a three-years (2018.03-2021.02) research grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [우수신진연구]. Congratulation!!!
[2018.02.22] Participated 2018 KSME-Reliability Engineering Division’s spring conference
NAML participated and gave presentation in the 2018 KSME-Reliability Engineering Division’s spring conference.