[2021.12.27] Best Poster Award
Congratulation! The following presentation was selected as a winner of the best poster award in AISM 2021 The Eighth Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics.
Jongsuk Lee and Sunghan Kim, “Experimental characterization of viscosity behaviors of graphene oxide based nanofluids”, AISM 2021 The Eighth Asia International Symposium on Mechatronics, Liuzhou, China, Dec., 2021
[2021.12.22] Welcome new group member!!!
Chaneui Lee officially joined NAML as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome!!!
[2021.11.23] Paper published in ACS Nano
Congratulations on publishing a paper!! The following article has been published in ACS Nano. The published paper has been highlighted in the official homepage of Chung-Ang University.
H. Cho, A. Shakil, A. A. Polycarpou, and S. Kim*, “Enabling Selectively Tunable Mechanical Properties of Graphene Oxide/Silk Fibroin/Cellulose Nanocrystal Bionanofilms”, ACS Nano, 2021 Vol.15, Issue 12, pp. 19546–19558
[2021.11.17] Prizes at 2021 summer MESTER
Congratulation! Sungjae Kim won the prize at 2021 summer MESTER program.
[2021.11.11] Participated 2021 KSCM Fall conference
NAML participated and gave presentations in the 2021 KSCM Fall conference.
[2021.11.03] Participated 2021 KSME Fall conference
NAML participated and gave presentation in the 2021 KSME Fall conference.
[2021.10.22] Invited talk at Kcarbon (Korea carbon industry promotion agency)
Prof. Sunghan Kim gave an invited talk at Kcarbon. The title was ‘Characteristics of charging/discharging of high pressure hydrogen storage vessel’. Many thanks for the kind invitation and constructive discussions.
[2021.09.01] Selected as ‘Emerging Leaders 2021’ in Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties
Congratulation! Prof. Sunghan Kim was selected as ‘Emerging Leaders 2021’ in Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties.
[2021.07.16] Best Poster Award
Congratulation! The following presentation was selected as a winner of the best poster award in Nano Korea 2021.
Hyeonho. Cho, Hyoeun Lee, Sangmin Lee, and Sunhgan Kim, “Self-powered Wearable Tactile Sensor Based on Reduced Graphene Oxide with Tunable Sensitivity”, 2021 Nano Korea, Goyang-si, South Korea, Jul., 2021
[2021.07.09] Welcome new undergraduate interns!!!
Undergraduate students (Chaneui Lee, Yeonjun In, Jiwon Hwang) have participated in NAML as undergraduate interns. Welcome!!!
[2021.07.07] Participated NANO KOREA 2021
NAML participated and gave presentations (two poster presentations) in the NANO KOREA 2021.
[2021.07.02] Receive a MOTIE research grant
NAML receives a five-years research grant from Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy of Korea (MOTIE)
[사업명: 에너지기술개발사업].
[2021.06.24] Outstanding Paper Award
Congratulation! The following presentation was selected as a winner of the outstanding paper award in KSME Materials and Fracture Division Spring Conference, 2021.
Hyeonho Cho, Seok-min Kim, and Sunghan Kim, “Suppression of coffee ring effect using porous alumina nanostructures”, 2021 KSME Meeting & Exhibition, Jeju, South Korea, Jun., 2021
[2021.06.01] Receive a NRF research grant [Basic Research Laboratory (BRL)]
NAML receives a three-years (2021.06-2024.02) research grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [기초연구실 지원 사업 (BRL)]. Participating Professors are Sangmin Lee (head of a group), Sunghan Kim, Woochul Nam, and Giuk Lee. Congratulation!!!
[2021.05.28] Prizes at 2020 winter MESTER
Congratulation! Dongyeon Kim won the prize at 2020 winter MESTER program.
[2021.04.29] KSME award ‘신뢰성젊은연구자상’
Congratulation! Prof. Sunghan Kim received 신뢰성젊은연구자상 in KSME Reliability Engineering Division.
[2021.04.28] Participated 2021 KSME-Reliability Engineering Division’s spring conference
NAML participated and gave presentation (two oral presentations and two poster presentations) in the 2021 KSME-Reliability Engineering Division’s spring conference.
[2021.03.16] Welcome new undergraduate intern!!!
Undergraduate student (Sungjae Kim) has participated in NAML as undergraduate intern. Welcome!!!
[2021.03.01] Welcome new graduate student!!!
Taehee Kim joined NAML as graduate student (integrated M.S.-Ph.D. course). Welcome!
[2021.02.26] Receive a NRF research grant
NAML receives a three-years (2021.03-2024.02) research grant from National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) [중견연계신진후속연구].